Bud Sugrue - Online Memorial Website

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Bud Sugrue
Born in New York
63 years
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Sharon Missing you still - but always in my heart May 7, 2014
Hi Hon - just popping in to tell you how much you are still mssed - every day - I talk to you all the time as if you were still here - I talk about you every day as if you were still here - I stop by and visit your resting place often and know I will be with you eventually - I just wanted to say I love and miss you still and will always - please always beour angel - we need you so very very much  -  Love and Hugs always -  just me - xoxoxoxoxoxo
Sharon Happy (woud be) 70th Birthday Hon September 15, 2012
Bud, aside from missing you like crazy - the September birthdays are really hard to get thru - we miss you and Jim - you made our family - just that - a family - and a great one - and we all miss that -
May you RIP and always enjoy the best birthdays in HEAVEN have to offer
Happy Birthday Bud!  Hope you and Jim are up there celebrating...we miss you both like hell down here.

Love, Ronnie
Happy Birthday Jim & Buddy :)
Happy Birthday Buddy ... We all miss you soooooooooooooooo much!!!  As your loving wife said, we miss celebrating all our September birthdays together.  Life just isn't the same without you here.  I Love You Very, Very Much!!
Total Memories: 29
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